Apocalypse: Vibrant & Customer-Focused Website Redesign
Disco Apocalypse, a Boulder based buy/sell/trade shop, engaged with Catapult on an audit of their brand, marketing and website to
I have a love/hate relationship with social media. I am going to make a grand assumption that is the case with most people who use the medium in any way. It fosters community. It destroys relationships. It inspires us. It forces unhealthy comparison. And the common theme in all of this is that we tend to forget that social media is not an accurate representation of our worlds.
We forget that social media, despite it not always being intentional, is a careful curation of what we choose to share.
There are two moments that I constantly reflect on that showcase this perfectly, both having to do with the way I curated my own, personal content on social media:
At a law school graduation for a close friend, his mother approached me and said that she loves to follow me on social media because I’m always at glamorous parties and she feels like she’s there. In that moment, I couldn’t actually remember the last time I had been out. But what I shared was the fun stuff…it wasn’t the hard days at work, the tears in my wine over a tumultuous relationship, the worry about paying all my bills. I remember in that moment thinking that I need to be more careful about what I share because the person I created on there was different than the person others saw.
The other time was recently, ten years after that previous interaction, when working for a local dog rescue on one of my most challenging days ever. The pandemic had hit and in the few days prior to this moment, I had lost all my clients and my uncle had passed suddenly. I had picked up a darling puppy from the shelter who had been on the euthanasia list and rushed her an hour and a half to a top vet hospital to try to save her life. She couldn’t properly go to the bathroom, leaking literal sh*t constantly. When they released her back to me after sitting for hours in a hot parking lot, I got her back to my house where I couldn’t get her out of the car willingly, poop was everywhere, and then I turned around and my dog was slumped and drooling badly. I got Poop Dog into her crate and rushed Drool Dog to the vet. While I was home waiting to hear about my dog (she was fine, apparently just the reaction of a dog stressed with the situation), covered in sh*t, in tears, I got a message saying how fun it is that I get to spend time with cute dogs all day. And I fell apart even more because, in that moment, I realized I had only been sharing the fun parts and was reminded that social media doesn’t pick up smells and the mess.
Been there? I mean, maybe not exactly there. But I bet you’ve been in a position where you feel some kind of feeling in a moment you realize someone has a perception of your life via social media that isn’t exactly accurate.
So…why are we here?
That I don’t have a direct answer on. I think a lot of it stems from social media still, in reality, still being a new element of our lives. But because it was integrated so quickly and our lives revolve so much around it, that we forget that it is a curation and a snapshot. We get so caught up in it that it feels real.
This affects us all on a personal level, even if we are aware of it or not.
Businesses feel this same kind of pressure, just in a different way, but it is no less important to be thoughtful.
This is all a much bigger challenge than we realize on a daily basis. So check in with yourself, check in with your business, and remember that a little bit of time offline is good for the brain. But fostering an amazing, authentic community online is good for it too.
Disco Apocalypse, a Boulder based buy/sell/trade shop, engaged with Catapult on an audit of their brand, marketing and website to
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