Apocalypse: Vibrant & Customer-Focused Website Redesign - Catapult Creative

Apocalypse: Vibrant & Customer-Focused Website Redesign

Disco Apocalypse, a Boulder based buy/sell/trade shop, engaged with Catapult on an audit of their brand, marketing and website to create a roadmap that would help to elevate their brand through fresh eyes. 

Following the audit, Catapult was tasked with revamping their admittedly neglected WordPress website to make it a digital home for the brand that fit visually and put the customer experience at the forefront. The result was a website that gave the same experience customers have with the brand at their other touchpoints – social media, in-store & email – with a look & feel that was an extension of the brand, as well as an easy-to-use space for customers to learn and engage with the business. 

See the website here!